
The history of the Tuscany

The history of the Tuscany

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From the Lorena to Italy

At the moment of the extinction of Doctors (the 1737) Tuscany it perceived its institutional embrittlement: velleitari were in that circumstance proposed you to restore the republic like answer on the credit side interference delle foreign powers, by now chosen craftsmen delle. For a game of continental counterbalances, the Tuscany was attributed to the dynasty of the Lorena therefore compensates you of the loss of their ancient patrimony: it was the premise for the insertion of the region in the imperial, sanctioned orbit from the wedding between the lorenese Francisco Stefano and the emperor Austrian Maria Teresa. The Tuscany resumed just the process of increase in virtue of a sturdy reforming policy, that it touched the apex under Peter Leopoldo, granduca from 1765 to 1790, one of the more enterprising and polishes monarchs of Europe in the age of the Lumi. The economic, under way reforms to the standard of the liberistici principles of the fisiocrazia, as well as how much the institutional reforms, between which the important promulgazione of the Code leopoldino of 1786, favorably they were received from a society disposed to accept a measured change that the economic progresses were valuing. For six years, from 1801 to 1807, Napoleone it accepted the existence of that regional political unit, constituting it in Reign of Etruria, before annexing it to the French empire. With the Restoration they returned to the power the Lorena, whose drawn of tolerant paternalismo it concurred with patriotic the liberal culture and to find a place where to express itself in shapes of freedom elsewhere repressed; the Tuscany divenne rocks of the culture neoguelfa, but after the revolutions of the 1848 the lay currents prevailed, of matrix are radically democratic, are moderate and filomonarchica. In 1859, in the alive one of the second war of independence, the last one of the Lorena, premised for the plebiscitario ballot of annexation to Piemonte (1860 came removed). Of the new Reign of Italy the Tuscany was meaningful part, above all for the contribution of the political culture of the moderatismo, that it had in Bettino Ricasoli its main exponent. From the postunitary process of industrialization the Tuscany drew cue in order to strengthen nuclei isolates you of industries more than in order to create diffuse weaving of factories, therefore that the economy maintained a character mostly agricultural. Earth in which the associazionismo was diffused peasant, influenced from the catholic culture and the ideas Socialists, in the restless climate of the first post-war period, the Tuscany was also one of the points of force of the reaction of the party of the agrarian ones, that they supported the fascist movement dandogli a movimentista and revolutionary tone.

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